Dear Abby’s Advice on the Iowa Caucus Dear Abby: Help! The Iowa caucuses are coming up, and I can’t decide who I like! Usually, I know by Halloween and here it is Christmas, and I am still not in love with one candidate yet. And this time it’s so important, it’s like, the election for America’s soul… You know what I mean?
“I’m getting hangry,” I warned as my friends messed around, trying to find a restaurant for dinner. “We have never eaten in Sofia before, so they are all new to us, what is the problem, just pick one!” After shopping for pirated CDs and books, Kathy and I had met up with some other Peace Corps friends for dinner to share our Sofia adventures.
annisa's blogIncludes professional topics, as well as thoughts about politics. I also keep a blog on Medium that includes these, as well as more personal posts. archives
January 2020